Kiefer Sutherland is a man of many trades. Famous for the tough, knee-cap shooting CTU operative, Jack Bauer in 24 and the rebel without a cause vampire David in the Lost Boys but in this particular incarnation at the o2 academy Liverpool, he is Kiefer Sutherland the musician. Currently touring his second album, Reckless & Me, following on from 2016’s Down In A Hole, Kiefer enters onto stage wearing what is now his familiar white hat, he kicks straight into the set with Rebel Wind which gets the crowded o2 rocking from the onset.
Kiefer is very much a story teller. Each song is accompanied by a tale behind it. This essentially works as it paints a picture of how the song was created. How it was formed. Tracks like Saskatchewan (about his mum, when he thought she had died) and I’ll Do Anything (a love song inspired by Kiefer watching Bridget Jones with his daughter) in particular harness the ability to convey the emotion behind his songs and allow the audience to build a connection with the songs and the songwriter
What also stood out about Sutherland’s time on stage is his joy. He really, really loves singing his songs and engaging with his fans, and he certainly loved being able to finally play Liverpool. Something he conveyed on many occasions throughout the set and apologising profusely to the audience for not having done it sooner
With a raucous cover of Patty Loveless’s Blame It On Your Heart, the audience were swaying their arms and twisting away and with a songs like This is how it’s done, which showcases his tendency to be a kick-ass bad boy, and Open Road there was an abundance of non stop rock n roll for even the most reluctant of of country music fans to swing their hips to.
Throughout the set Sutherland was incredibly thankful to the people coming to see him and to listen to his music. It isn’t the greatest band you will see perform live but they, as a band, are solid, versatile and talented musicians.
With the encore of his rendition of the Bob Dylan classic Knockin on heavens door (performed due to his love of the album residing in his dad’s car when he was young) and the brilliant Agave, you left the building having set out to see Kiefer the hollywood star and going home knowing you had just seen Kiefer the singer/songwriter.
See more photos from the night HERE