A band just over six months old, Foxtrax have already headlined the stages to several staple venues of NYC, including the likes of Pianos, The Bitter End and the Bowery Electric –to name a few. This group’s music intertwines a reverence for classic rock through influence from artists like The Strokes and U2, while embracing modern sounds of the present like that found in the music of Coldplay and Foster the People.
The trio have a motto that drives both their music and their everyday lives, which is rooted in the pursuit of one’s dreams: “Follow your Foxtrax.” The band’s undying proactivity – evident through the accrual of nearly 100 performances since its inception – has already garnered the praise of many fans and music professionals alike.
Foxtrax’s debut EP, “The Cabin,” was released on August 28, 2015.
Indie rock trio, Foxtrax, comprised of: Jon Stenz (drums), Jared Stenz (bass) and Ben Schneid (vocals/guitar), formed at the beginning of 2015 but, don’t let the brief length of their time as a group mislead. It is no direct parallel to the band’s work ethic or the reception of their music – on the contrary – public interest in their work and live performances, from media and fans alike, has only grown continuously since day one. Astutely combining an unfettered passion of classic rock with an eclectic songwriting aesthetic that honors the styles of bands like The Strokes, Coldplay, Foster the People and Arcade Fire, Foxtrax are embracing the modern stylization of now, while respecting musical foundations of the past.
Consistently inspired to create, Foxtrax not only turn to playing music but also make it their mission to connect with and inspire others in all aspects of everyday living. They have channeled this intention through their band’s philosophy, “Follow Your Foxtrax,” which is meant to encourage everyone to pursue their own ambitions.
Having already played the likes of New York City’s Pianos, The Bitter End, the Bowery Electric and now the Mercury Lounge, following the release of their debut EP, “The Cabin” (recorded/produced by Reed Black [Karen O, Vampire Weekend, Erin McKeown]), Foxtrax continues to look and move, toward higher ground; constantly exuding a comportment and commitment akin to that of a respected veteran band –which they are hailed as being well on their way to becoming.