Festival No.6 – the exhilarating finale of the UK’s summer festival season – has sold out for the first time a week ahead of opening its gates to the public.
The final weekend pass for the 15,000 capacity event was purchased on Friday 28 August with only a small amount of day tickets for Sunday still available.
Said Gareth Cooper, Festival No6 founder: “Festival No6 has grown from strength to strength since 2012 and going into the forth year we are delighted to have sold out. It’s a truly unique festival in probably the most stunning setting in the world. Add to that the incredibly rich content from across the music, arts and culture spectrums from Grace Jones to Mark Ronson to Steve Coogan it’s not really a surprise we’ve reached capacity. With fine weather forecast we are looking forward to giving our guests a magical and memorable weekend.”
For anyone who has missed out Sunday day tickets are still available for purchase at festivalnumber6.com – there will potentially be a limited amount of Sunday day tickets to purchase on the gate on Sunday morning.
Festival No.6 is an intimate, bespoke banquet of music, arts and culture taking place over the weekend of the 3-6 September in the magical village of Portmeirion, Wales, home of the cult TV series The Prisoner. With many more music acts, new venues and world famous chefs yet to be revealed, the forth Festival No.6 is certain to be the most impressive to date.
Acts will perform across the entire site, by the whimsical Italianate architecture of the village, the historic town hall, piazza, Bristol Colonnade, the picturesque Estuary stage, the atmospheric woods and the promenade along the River Dwyryd.
Constructed between 1925 and 1975 by maverick architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, Portmeirion is a wonderfully bizarre and elaborate interpretation of a Mediterranean villa, nestled in the stunning mountains and forests of North Walesoverlooking the expansive estuarial waters of the Irish Sea.
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