Neak releases his latest music video for his recently released single, “LEGACY,” a self-produced record directed by his brother Aaron Perkins, Jr.
The essence of the LEGACY video is to highlight musical greats before him who’ve created the platform for our generation to freely be who we are. Without the likes of legends such as James Brown, Curtis Mayfield, 2Pac, etc. there would not be a space for artists like Neak to create. This music video is to honor the Legacy laid before us within the music industry.
To stream Neak’s latest music video, please visit theYouTube link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1qyoYzICr0&feature=youtu.be
LEGACY is also available on all major streaming platforms such as Apple Music, TiDAL, Spotify, etc. and via Soundcloud.newest album KWESBAAR is scheduled to be released in the Spring 2019. I’m looking forward to sharing my latest self-produced album with you! Thank you again for your time.
His newest album KWESBAAR is scheduled to be released in the Spring 2019.
Neak ‘Undefined’
Website(s): www.neak-co.com / www.neak.bandcamp.com
TW/IG: @Neak_Undefined
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neak84
YouTube: www.youtube.com/84Neak